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Sustainable Wednesday: Creating Sustainable Learning Spaces in International Schools

Published Bernice on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 9:00 AM

Sustainable Wednesday: Creating Sustainable Learning Spaces in International Schools

With the unique capability of reaching students from all over the globe, international schools have the chance to lead by example in promoting sustainable practices. Creating eco-friendly learning spaces is one of the ways to help reduce your school’s environmental impact and instil a sense of responsibility in students. Here are some tips for making your classrooms more sustainable.


Embrace natural lighting

Maximise the use of natural light by strategically placing desks and workstations near windows. Not only does this reduce the need for artificial lighting, but studies have also shown that natural light can improve overall productivity and well-being. You could also consider installing skylights to bring in even more natural light.

Opt for eco-friendly furniture

When purchasing new classroom furniture, look for options made from sustainable materials like reclaimed wood or recycled plastic. These choices are environmentally friendly and are often more durable and long-lasting than conventional options. If it’s possible to repurpose or refurbish your existing furniture to extend its lifespan, this would also be a good move towards sustainability. 

Incorporate indoor plants

Indoor plants add a touch of nature to your classrooms and can help purify the air by absorbing harmful pollutants. Choose low-maintenance plants, such as peace lilies or common ivy, and involve students in their care to encourage a sense of eco-responsibility.

Establish recycling and composting stations

Encourage students to reduce waste by setting up clearly labelled recycling and composting stations within the classroom. Educate them on what materials can be recycled or composted, and consider implementing a rewards system for those who actively participate in these efforts.

These sustainable practices will not only create a healthier learning environment, but also provide valuable lessons in eco-consciousness for your students. Remember, small adjustments can make a huge difference in creating a more sustainable future. Make a change today!

Written by Stephanie Clark

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